The Relay Race of Life and the Commitment of Its Runners


Obododimma Oha

Life can be configured as a journey, and along that line of thinking, as a race, a relay race in which earlier runners have to run fast enough and hand over their batons to their team members, to put them on the lead. Runners of this relay race have to have the kind of commitment that could be manifested, not just in terms of running very fast and leading others, but also not stopping once in a while to find out out whether they are getting an applause, or whether those who ran earlier and handed over the batons would run again for us or tell us how to run. The relay race of life requires running as if the runner's life depends on it or can depend on it. And it depends on it.

You have to hold it and run and not look around to admire yourself as a holder. You are holding what others have held or will hold. You are holding many in your hands. You are holding the victory of many. Yes; you are the one HOLDING the victory and must deliver it!

I saw this lovely update on Chidi Ugwu's Facebook wall:

"I am my PARENTS' retirement BENEFITS
I will continue to pay up till they die
Take it to the bank

So, there are still people who think this way? Are they not old-fashioned? I thought that school children are going to school for their parents. I thought  that we should dig up Chief Obafemi Awolowo and Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe from their cold graves and force them to continue running the race for us, to condemn colonization and go to jail or be shot at sight! Tenkiu, Chidi Ugwu and fellow relay runners. It is good to think of what and how we owe our parents for making us runners, too.

In a normal relay race, one should, as a subsequent runner, start getting ready to receive the baton when it is handed over. The handing over and the time of handing over matter a lot. A runner should be worried if the handing over is a bit delayed. Running to make up for a little delay in handing over is crucial. Watch subsequent runners getting ready: emotionally, they are not there; in fact, they are already running ahead. They want the team to lead and to win ultimately.

It is not wise to keep subsequent runners waiting or ill-prepared. Of course, they are already under tension and the whole experience of winning or losing depends on how they run their race. It is not wise to think that the team of runners is only you. You are contributing to the victory of the many.

Run life; run in life; run for life! Run to the end. If you drop the baton you are holding without getting to the rope at the end, it is tragic. Tragic because you have just dashed hopes!

Fine, let us make it clear: run for self; run for family (tree), run for community; run for nation; run for humanity; run for life. Run, because you must. Run for the vision, not just for the trophy.

Were ancient thinkers not close to the idea, when they declared: ọsọ ndụ agwụ ike (The race of life is not tiring)? Yes; they declared it for me. The race of life may be imposed, for instance, none of us signed any agreement to be born, what more, in a particular family, ethnic group, race, or galaxy. I am sure that many would not have consciously signed to run for any group or race or even family. Many would have preferred to be mere spectators, instead of being born to run for others. Many would not have signed any agreement, or many would have kept a safe  distance from mess in destinations.

All the same, keep running. It would have been worse if you had refused to run. It could have been worse if you had to run from running! It is better to feature in the relay race of life than to live with the shame of not being in the race at all.


Unknown said…
Life, indeed, is a relay race that all must run their part and hand over to others in queue for the continuation and sustainability of the essence of our existence. Thank you Prof. for writing and sharing this so beautiful a piece. It is so inspiring.

Eze, Michael