My wants want me
My needs need me
My wants tempting, armed with the best logic
My needs too arrogant, sometimes angry, too righteous
To be wrong
My wants eloquent – in that hot advert
Too much a doctrine to lose its truth
My wants too fashionable to be wrong:
Today a flowing gown to dazzle the town
Tomorrow a skirt, shy & brief
To know the frustrations of turbaned ideas
My want thinks japan & asian tigers, in shifting shapes
My need utters germany in forever-yours
Can I have a multitude of attitudes
In the tributaries of exchange
Desires craving, necessities frowning?
Could my needs also want?
Could my wants also need?
My want says:
Get hold of that prose, drug it
With the need to want
My need says:
Fry that poetry, spice it with mild strangeness
Inspiring history to hate itself
And the last breath says:
The want of needs, the need to want
-- Obododimma Oha
My needs need me
My wants tempting, armed with the best logic
My needs too arrogant, sometimes angry, too righteous
To be wrong
My wants eloquent – in that hot advert
Too much a doctrine to lose its truth
My wants too fashionable to be wrong:
Today a flowing gown to dazzle the town
Tomorrow a skirt, shy & brief
To know the frustrations of turbaned ideas
My want thinks japan & asian tigers, in shifting shapes
My need utters germany in forever-yours
Can I have a multitude of attitudes
In the tributaries of exchange
Desires craving, necessities frowning?
Could my needs also want?
Could my wants also need?
My want says:
Get hold of that prose, drug it
With the need to want
My need says:
Fry that poetry, spice it with mild strangeness
Inspiring history to hate itself
And the last breath says:
The want of needs, the need to want
-- Obododimma Oha