Planting a Bottle, Waiting Endlessly for a Germination

by Obododimma Oha In Igbo public discourse, settling in the urban area, not visiting home or cutting off links with home, is popularly called "ịkụ bottle" (Planting a Bottle). A bottle is not a seed and cannot germinate. And so this is just a metaphorical and hyperbolic way of saying that that the person has relocated and will never look into the past. A bottle is no living thing and will never put out a shoot of germination, at least according to our human science. So, the person who is expecting to travel home when the bottle germinates will never travel. Never, forever!

 Planting the bottle is often associated with modern life, especially what is known as "ọrụ oyibo" (new employment from modernity) and is hardly seen as a good thing. The bottle will never germinate or it would germinate sterility and foolishness which the person cannot have the face to take back to his or her village. And so people are warned against embracing modernity that means planting the is not to say that the urban area does not have its attractions. It has. It has its motion pictures. It has its stories. It has its gory sights. It has its show business. It has its deceptions and magic. It even has its big money. So, the urban area where the bottles are planted sometimes still has its shine and attraction. But to plant a bottle and "forget" this thing called "home" is not a decision someone takes overnight. The person must have pondered over it for a long time. Planting the bottle could also be treated as humor, one way of laughing at the idea of living permanently in the urban area without thinking of "visiting" the local area from where one has come. In that case, this laughing at the other is an indirect piece of advice: that links with home should not be severed just because of urban modernity.This planting of bottle brings people back and makes them remember origin in Igbo life. One, therefore, cannot disappear into the crowd! Even that crowd would have time to make one's life miserable and a laughing stock. The crowd would dissolve once in a while and one is still alone, waiting for one's bottle to germinate! That also means being lonely in a crowd. Let us note that planting the bottle is simply symbolic. No one has really done it, to my knowledge. But I hear it from the mouth of those who just want to make a jest of cutting off links with home.&nbs There may be some serious reasons for turning one's back and planting the bottle in the urban area. Maybe one has been ostracized. Maybe the local community has been very unfriendly in some ways. Maybe one is miserable and is ashamed of returning to a thatch house that should have been transformed to corrugated iron roofing long ago, wearing overused and tortured bathroom slippers and carrying only polythene bag. Maybe the person just wants to start a new life. Maybe there is a maybe somewhere. Maybe. 

Being laughed at as having planted a bottle because of modernity and "ọrụ oyibo" (new employment from modernity) means that one is told that one is lost or has missed the way. It is, therefore, a simple way of telling someone to go and think. It is corrective, in a sense. Indeed, "ọrụ oyibo" should bring better life and retard us or make us plant bottles that can never germinate. "Ọrụ oyibo" should not make us run away to Chad, hoping that the country can never make people run! 

At this point, let us consider some very serious assumptions about why some may plant bottles that will never germinate to signal visiting the rural home. We have already provided some maybes above. 

There is always that beautiful woman who has stolen his heart and has used her witchcraft to declare:" No more going home!" If he has planted a bottle, it is suspected that she is the cause. She has wrapped him up, declaring: "Hate to see your kinsmen!" And so, planting the bottle also has that gender ring to it. The belief is that something is holding him and she must be that thing. 

Sorry for women and criminality. So sorry for very beautiful ones found near men who have taken serious decisions. Sorry for them. Guilty by association. 

However, we are not certain whether it is the effect of her beauty or her evil powers. Maybe it is both. Maybe maybe. 

Related to the presence of woman in this unusual gardening is spirituality. Charm or evil manipulation. Serious remote control. He has chosen to plant a bottle due to evil spiritual manipulation. He does not know what he doing again. So, it is attributed to evil machinations. Maybe from that witch or wizard in his village that does not want the progress of his family! 

Hardly is this linked to his personal choice in life. Something or someone controls life. We only join the queue and follow to our salvation or damnation. 

It is true that bottles do not germinate, even if one drinks several of them. But bottles indicate being stripped off the identity of the original company Any liquid, just any liquid, can re-enter that bottle. 

I like farming and the idea of planting something makes me sit up to observe. And now I see what should not be planted. Please, planters should ask seasoned farmers before they plant yam peeling. Do not plant sterile permanence that makes the planter a laughing stock. 
