Obododimma Oha
Tom and Jerry on each other. Tom and Jerry acting on mischief against mischief. Tom and Jerry in action, traveling to the land of retaliation. Tom and Jerry against.
Tom and Jerry on it. Tom and Jerry not giving up easily. Every move a strategy. Every move risky and every move counts. Every move leads to Heaven or to Hell. Every move means.
Tom knows and Jerry knows. Tom knows that Jerry knows. Balance of mischief. Ka ị ma nke a, ị ma nke ọzọ? Tom plans because he knows that Jerry is planning. Against is against. Against Tom, against Jerry. War forever. Forever war.
Tom and Jerry are not just persons pecking at persons but also groups after groups, groups after persons, persons after groups. What they are really after is the idea. They need to obliterate or at least demobilize the idea. This idea challenges the other idea, is on the way of the other idea.
Tom cannot sleep because he knows that Jerry is not really sleeping. Tom has to prepare for war and Jerry has to prepare for war. Tom has learned to expect missiles and Jerry has learned to expect missiles. Tom and Jerry are on the battlefield.
Tom and Jerry in action. Iran and Iraq. Umuleri and Aguleri. Middle East and Middle Beast. One on the other. One after the other. And the show goes on. The war is our entertainment. Somebody 's pain is our pleasure.
Tom and Jerry represent us well. They perform our emotions, actions and reactions. Tom and Jerry are us. Sometimes we run. Sometimes we run our walk. We learn to walk when we have to walk and run when we need to run. We also hide and know anyway that every hiding is also an exposure, a vulnerability.
Tom and Jerry run the walk, always. Tom and Jerry have to be ready to run and to walk. They have to be ready for readiness. Who knows the next minute? Something is always coming up. Tom and Jerry just have to be prepared.
Tom and Jerry remain Tom and Jerry. No clones. Tom and Jerry for those who want to learn.