The Lies Told by Anthems


Obododimma Oha

Many anthems, as expressions of identity, pursue the ideal. But they encode this pursuit as if it were an already existing situation. Granted that it is this ideal situation that they want created or maintained, but they also assume or pretend that what is not really is. That is a lie, even if told for good ends. So, anthems pretend that their declarers are loyal, patriotic, and that there is justice. That, too, is a big lie, a complete lie; not only does the anthem's louder noise drown protestations, it also covers crass injustice and declares contrary views unpatriotic. Anthem are, therefore, the encoding of privileged lies.

Many anthems are shameless liars in talking about prevailing situations with sugar-coated language, giving captives who are standing at attention the false impression that things are normal when abnormal. Was it not the kind of obvious lie told by keleke the wingless insect that caused the lizard to run and run mad and push a stick from ear to ear, saying it has heard enough and must go deaf now?

Many anthems claim there is justice when there is injustice. Some claim there is fairness when there is the kind of unfairness that can make even God weep. What is justice and what is fairness when the powers-in-charge want to make sure some interests are promoted, some suppressed? What is justice and what is fairness when those in authority represent injustice and unfairness? What is justice and what is fairness when some are secretly angry with this essay and are ready to support the move for the essayist to be sacked with ignominy from his job?

Many anthems are just noise and captive audiences should just spend the time whenever they are being aired thinking of how best to be free forever, instead of being required to be motionless, as if dead on the spot, incapable of killing that terrible mother-mosquito sucking their blood!

Many anthems rising from the ashes of other anthems are just marching songs for thoughtless people who are like the dead walking. Those lying songs are out of tune with reality and are out to mislead. They are better treated as someone's favourite song which to the other ear is sheer nonsense.

Many anthems should only be listened to with earphones, instead of everyone around being required to pay attention and show obedience by force. Many anthems, in doing so, remind you about the freedom being clipped and being held hostage by the hand of Esau.

Many anthems are just empty rhetoric, created just because one has heard that there is something called an anthem and which is one of the idiotic means through which identity can be invented and protected. Go through the anthem whenever you have the time to see that its lieutenants are simply crazy interns of influence who want to make sure that many are recruited to say what they do not mean also.

Many anthems are lies crafted for brainless ones, who can remember that there is something called "Repeat after me," which can be that your father is an armed robber and your mother a prostitute. Yes; and your ignoble role is just to repeat what is against your interest.

When next an anthem comes crawling my way, I courageously look for a big stick and arm myself.


Dear Prof At last telepathically you quickly use my own naive less allegorical word, rhetoric in your 7th paragraph.Your essays are always a buoy - much delight to discover there are positively critical academics who are far from boot- lickers or the dancers- upon- nothing in view status quo..
Gbemi Tijani MST

Dear Prof At last telepathically you quickly use my own naive less allegorical word, rhetoric in your 7th paragraph.Your essays are always a buoy - much delight to discover there are positively critical academics who are far from boot- lickers or the dancers- upon- nothing in view status quo..
Gbemi Tijani MST